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Kevin Fitzgerald, a director at Rabbit Bicoastal, documents a life in rapid-fire reverse in this new 75-second spot for ad agency Joe Public’s client, Tracker. Employing a blend of stop-frame video and animation, the spot for the South African market documents one woman’s colorful life in a car—from old age to infancy. The affecting visuals are supported by Brandi Carlile’s hit song, “The Story,” and a dramatic conclusion: a Tracker agent pulling a baby from a stolen car. (Based on reality, car-jackings in which child passengers are taken, happen more than South Africans would ever admit.) The stills were shot using a Canon 5D, with select elements animated to give the imagery life, and the narrative was pieced-together to create the emotional bullet points in one woman’s life—a mix of happiness, anger, awkwardness and tragedy.

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