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Mike Kirkland/Tim Piper, art directors
Janet Kestin/Tim Piper, writers
Janet Kestin/Nancy Vonk, chief creative officers
Allison Gordon, editor
Relish, editorial company
Lindi Ortega, music
Technicolour, sound design
Tim Piper/Yael Staav, directors
Tico Poulakakis, video director
Brenda Surminski, agency producer
Reginald Pike, production company
Ogilvy & Mather Toronto (Toronto, Canada), ad agency
Unilever Canada (Dove SEF), client

“Daughters” 2:43
Girl #1: I don’t really like my weight. Most of the girls in my grade are really slim, like they’re tiny...and I’m bigger than them. I don’t see myself as big, but I see myself as right in the middle...and I want to be skinny.
Girl #2: Like if I’m not pretty and people don’t accept me for who I am, the way I dress, then...I’m...it’ll make me feel bad, but it’ll just give me more reason to pay attention in school because I won’t have anyone to talk to the whole time.
Girl #3: And then they started writing how I was anorexic... because back in the day they called both of us Anna because we were really skinny.
Girl #4: The first time I ever heard I was ugly was at school. I was in grade three or four...And I was like...it was the first time anyone had ever told me that so I didn’t know what to feel. And I just felt it all the time.
Girl #3: Either you’re too tall, or too short, you’re too skinny, you’re too fat.
Girl #4: It doesn’t seem so important what’s inside to a lot of guys and girls.
Girl #6: Like no one really looks at your personality, they just look at...OK she’s sexy, he’s sexy.
Girl #7: I just started high school and I felt like I needed to be accepted...
Girl #4: I feel pressure like that a lot and then I try to go home and do sit-ups.
Girl #7: I started losing weight, like I came back in grade nine and I was thinner and stuff, people just started talking to me, like I had friends. They, like, asked me questions, gave me a physical and stuff and then like, you have to be hospitalized, and I was like...
Mother: It’s hard because I do know what’s it’s like for them. Can’t give them my teenage answer, but I can’t give them my mom answer either.
Super: Things won’t change until we change them.
Girl #7: Sometimes we get in the mood, like mother daughter, and we just sit down and talk about life and I love those moments cause we get to know each other and I feel she trusts me more cause I’m telling her...
Super: Learn about our mother daughter workshops.
Girl #7: ...those moments are the ones you cherish.


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