Tim Galles, art director
Stuart Mickle, writer
Michelle Dougherty/
Tim Galles, Imaginary Forces, creative directors
Walt Connelly/
Justin Crawford, executive creative directors
Harvey Marco/
Ty Montague, JWT North America, chief creative officers
Brett Krauss/
Joan Lau, Imaginary Forces, directors
Jordan Roberts, Rabbit Content, line producer
Robin Feldman/
Kelley McDermott, Imaginary Forces, producers
Michael McLoughlin/
Ashwini Srikantiah, associate producers
Holly Otto, senior integrated producer
Kyle Martin, post-production producer
Sam Walsh, executive director of production
JWT New York, ad agency
Microsoft, client
Microsoft was so closely associated with Windows that it was virtually unknown in the enterprise space. So the objective was to get Microsoft enterprise software into the conversation among business leaders. We wanted our style to assert our core belief that business isn't just business, it's personal. So we created an animation style that's human, quirky and visually distinctive. In a category dominated by Ken dolls in suits, our design introduced something unusual: genuine humanity. Quiksilver,CEO and surfer Bob McKnight, emphasizes the importance of technology to move quickly and stay ahead in business. BT Group, CEO, Ian Livingston, thinks that to save time and money, it's a no brainer to choose the right communications technology. CMO, Katie Bayne, keeps in mind the consumers of Coca-Cola, while relying on her global colleagues to help solve challenges that come her way.