Duration: Isobel launched in 2003.
Staff: 24.
Education: Yes—and still learning.
Cultural Influences: Many and in no particular order: London—beautiful, buzzing, culturally diverse and creatively stimulating; our families (the four partners all have daughters called Isobel); 12" vinyl; Horatio Nelson; Apple; Bart Simpson; BBC News Online; the 1980s; Creative Review; ginger nut biscuits.
Environment: A quirky lift takes you to the top of a classic red-brick ‘Fitzrovian’ London building. Being at the centre, we look out toward London’s edges. Calm and chaotic, noisy and peaceful, it’s the place we like to work. It’s where we get creative.
Philosophy: We strive to provoke intelligently.
If something evokes the emotion of Texas-based photographer Andy Mahr, consider it his influence.