Older generations may fondly remember childhoods spent outside playing make believe—the kind of game that cultivates the imagination of young minds and fosters our world’s future pioneers. But with ever-present news stories warning of dangers lurking around every corner, parents have become more protective of their children. Due to this new trend of helicopter parenting, parents are quickly replacing unstructured play with more structured indoor activities like video games. This poses a problem for brands like Radio Flyer, which makes hundreds of products specifically crafted for outdoor play. So to promote a shift back toward unstructured play, FCB Chicago created “Imagination On Wheels” to remind parents just how powerful their kids’ imaginations can be—and how necessary it is to nurture that. In this print campaign, FCB Chicago placed the iconic Radio Flyer wheels on various awesome vehicles—from a sports car to a lunar rover—to symbolize what is possible when you play with a Radio Flyer wagon. Whether it’s a farm field, a limestone quarry, the open road or even the moon, Radio Flyer can transport children to wherever their imaginations take them.
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